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Is your business
prepared for the new GDPR?
What is the General data protection rules?
The new regulation General data protection (GDPR) enters into force in May of 2018. It constitutes a new legal framework on the protection of personal data and on the free movement. This law of protection of data will begin to lay new general regulations for all entities that handle personal information of EU citizens, regardless of your location.
How help will we to comply with the regulations?
Burotec makes the adaptation to the new European regulations GDPR, designed to provide greater security and control to people about your personal information, as well as to establish common rules in all of Europe for the protection of such information. The GDPR imposes extensive protections, limitations and requirements for compliance. It also establishes severe penalties for non-compliance.
If your company works with personal data of citizens of the European Union, starting from the 25 may of 2018 you will be required to comply with the new regulation General data protection. Burotec helps you formalize it through an assessment of the State, compliance and the creation of measures.
Focus it by 2 pathways, and both are applicable:
1. Local infrastructure, i.e. computers in the enterprise, hard drives, communications, mobile devices, tablets. All devices that have or can come into contact with sensitive information.
2. Cloud services (SaaS and IaaS), those services, free or not, that they have or they may contain sensitive data, or used for transmission.
Regardless of the architecture that is available, It is necessary a minimum of security at all levels, and always know who and when access to sensitive data, and in addition in the case of services in the cloud, they are equipped with a two-factor authentication, either directly or indirectly supported by a third party. Within all of this, required an action strategy to security incidents, either by a data breach, you have to quantify, or by an incident of the same.