The Royal Decree 2584/1981, of 18 September, by which approves the general regulation of the proceedings of the Ministry of industry, energy and tourism in the field of standardization and certification, It is the existing statutory provision which establishes the conditions that must be met to obtain metal processed products of the Certificate of conformity.
This certificate, awarded by the Ministry of industry, is compulsory for the marketing This type of products in Spain:
- Active armor of steel for prestressed concrete.
- Drawn wires, smooth and corrugated.
- Tubes of steelsoldier (non-structural)
- Sanitary fittings.
- Extruded aluminium profiles.
- Hot-galvanized products.
- Aluminum steel cables.
- Metal candelabra (Poles and columns).
- Carbon monoxide detectors.
- Soft solder estano-plata.
- Audit of production control (standardization and certification)
- Elaboration of technical projects
- Processing at the Ministry of industry and the laboratories of trials
- Sampling on factory