The environmental impact assessment is a tool designed to identify, predict and prevent the impact of a project or action on the environment, BUROTEC offers technical assistance in different phases of the process until the approval of the study and granting of the environmental impact statement (DAY).

BUROTEC carries out environmental impact studies (EIA) According to the particular requirements of the law applicable to each company and each autonomous community.

Also done by BUROTEC:

  • Preliminary study of soils.
  • Waste minimization studies Pollution reduction and:
  • Wastewater.
  • Atmospheric emissions.
  • Minimization of waste.
  • Reduction of the produced quantity of residue.
  • Intrinsic contamination of the waste reduction.
  • Integrated environmental authorisation.
  • Analysis of the best available techniques in each sector.
  • Administrative handling of licences and permits.
  • Technical studies and technological solutions on recycling of waste industrial use.


To learn more about our services and how we can help, You can send your inquiry to or call to the +34 91 376 89 50 and request information without commitment, We are at your disposal.