Announcement of Merger by Absorption between Burotec Consultoría Técnica S.L and Burotec Entidad de Inspección S.L

We are pleased to announce that Burotec Technical Consulting, S.L. and Burotec Inspection Entity, S.L. have agreed to join through a merger by absorption process. This agreement has been formulated by the administrative bodies of both companies and will be submitted for approval by the respective general meetings of shareholders in the coming weeks.

Fusion Details

  • Absorbing Company: Burotec Technical Consulting, S.L.
  • Absorbed Company: Burotec Inspection Entity, S.L.




For greater transparency and in compliance with current regulations, We make available to our shareholders and the general public a series of documents that will allow them to have a better understanding of the context and process.

We thank all our employees, customers and suppliers for their continued support during this exciting integration process.


Kind regards,

Javier Mediavilla – Sole Administrator of Burotec Technical Consulting, S.L. and Burotec Inspection Entity, S.L.