The obligations of the Member States of the European Union in adopting measures based on the principle of the free movement of goods. In this way, removed trade barriers of construction within the territory of the Community products.
The products of construction only can market is if are suitable for the use to which is intended. To this respect, should allow the construction of works that meet, during an economically reasonable life span, the essential requirements in matter of:
- Mechanical strength and stability
- Fire safety
- Hygiene, health and environment
- Safety of use
- Noise protection
- Energy saving
- Thermal insulation
Directive 89/106/EC applies to these products in its requirement for CE Marking and the European Regulation (EU) No305/2011 establishing harmonised standards for establishing product performance in relation to their essential characteristics
Different products affected him this directive are assigned a system for evaluation of the conformity, whose tasks are evaluated by bodies notified and/or carried out by the own manufacturer, which leads to the supporting documentation of the CE Marking be different or have its particularities.
The three fundamental tasks who is required to obtain from the CE Marking in construction products, are:
- Record technician of construction product (ETC).
- Trials initial of type of the products (EIT).
- Have implemented a factory production control system (CPF).
- Identify product performance in compliance with compliance.
- Identification of the Directive and the Standard of Application to the Product.
- Choice of conformity assessment system.
- Preparation of the technical documentation required by the Regulation (EU) 305/2011.
- Management of the laboratory tests (If they are needed) and with notified bodies.
- Declaration CE of conformity and marked CE.
- Product Performance Statement.
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